Welcome to life in Japan. These are truly exciting times and you will be challenged and rewarded during your assignment.
First step is to obtain a sponsor. Please email the CTF72 Sponsor Coordinator to do so:

The following information is provided to help ensure your smooth transition to Atsugi, Japan.
Communicate frequently with your sponsor and use the updated information provided. It is strongly recommended that you visit the nearest Fleet & Family services center and obtain current information about Atsugi, Japan from the websites below. With this information and your sponsor's assistance, your transfer will be a smooth one.

The following sites are available via the internet with information for your transition here in Atsugi:

http://www.cnic.navy.mil/regions/cnrj/installations/naf_atsugi.html/ (Atsugi Base Information)

www.move.mil (Get Your Move Started)

www.tricare.osd.mil (Adjust your TriCare information)

PETS: Please be advised that Japan has very strict pet importing standards. If you have not started the process of preparing your pet please click here to learn more.

Privately owned vehicles (POV) including motorcycles, have shipment restrictions in Japan. It is strongly recommended to have your vehicle stored in CONUS and to purchase a used vehicle here in Japan. Contact your Personal Property and Household Goods office for verification. Additionally, please be sure to track the status of your household goods shipment online at: www.move.mil.

Congratulations on your orders and welcome to the CTF-72 team!